Olumide Omololu

+44 7946348448 oaomololu@gmail.com

After wearing many hats in the tech world assessing the operational effectiveness of enterprise-grade information processing infrastructures, optimizing technology-driven business processes and strengthening information security, I am currently a software engineer focused on analytical, data-driven and machine learning-powered solutions with a dream of pushing the limits of what technology can achieve with the power of distributed software systems, Artificial intelligence and Big data.

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Individual Contributor

Design and Implementation of analytically driven investment management and monitoring solutions.

January 2022 - Present

Technology Consultant


Cyber-Security Services, Data Analytics, IT Risk Assessment and process Optimaztion.

September 2018 - September 2020

Information Technology Intern

DN Meyer Plc

System administration, Website adminstration and management,Computer network maintenance, Troubleshooting and repair of computer systems.

January 2015 - July 2015



Independent Project

Market research tool powered by named-entity-recognition and time-series analysis

August 2022 - Present
Programming Languages & Tools used


Independent Project

Secure data driven wealth management and recommendation platform

September 2022 - Present
Programming Languages & Tools used

Investigation of Fake News Classification via an Ensemble Learning Approach

Master's Dissertation Project

Design and implementation of a suitable method of fake news detection which combines content and propagation-based approaches on social media.

July - September 2021
Programming Languages & Tools used

Data Streaming and Incremental Learning for Cryptocurrency Market Prediction

Big Data course project

A Big Data solution using Apache Spark and the MapReduce framework that predicts Ethereum prices via a Time Series Incremental Learning model which relies on Spark’s streaming capabilities to feed the model up-to-date price data from public APIs. This project was implemented in collaboration with fellow students

April 2021
Programming Languages & Tools used
  • Apache Spark

Ticket Reservation Voice Interface prototype

Human-AI interaction course project

A prototype voice interface based ticket reservation system implemented using conversation design principles.

January 2021
Programming Languages & Tools used
  • VoiceFlow
  • Google Sheets

Astro-Naut: Space shooter game

Programming course project

A simple 2D space shooter.This project was implemented in collaboration with fellow students

December 2020
Programming Languages & Tools used

Traffic Violations Database

Databases, Interfaces and Software Design Principles course project

A traffic violation record management web application with priviledged access management functionality.

December 2020
Programming Languages & Tools used

Question Answering Chatbot with Small talk functionality

Human-AI interaction course project

A question answering chatbot implemented using natural language processing techniques such as text vectorization and cosine similarity.

November 2020
Programming Languages & Tools used

Social Engineering Simulator

A modifiable social engineering simulation framework which assesses user susceptibility to phishing attacks. This project was implemented using the flask framework.

Programming Languages & Tools used

Fish recognition with artificial neural networks

Final year project at Covenant university

An application developed with the MATLAB computing environment, it employs neural network technology and image processing techniques to identify various species of fish from digital images.

October 2015 - April 2016
Programming Languages & Tools used


University of Nottingham

Master of Science
Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)
September 2020 - September 2021

Covenant University

Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Engineering
September 2011 - June 2016

Oak International College

Sciences Concentration
September 2009 - July 2011


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Innovation and Problem-Solving
  • Leadership and Project Management
  • Deep understanding of Information Systems Architecture and Security
  • Professional Communicator


Apart from my interests in software engineering and Artificial Intelligence, I happen to be a huge fan of combat sports, mixed martial arts and muay thai being my favorites. I also happen to be very fond of Music with my favorite genres being blues, jazz and classic rock which many find very surprising given my age. I happen to play a number of instruments recreationally with the guitar being my favorite.

I follow a number of sci-fi, action and fantasy genre movies, comic books and television shows. I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest advancements in emerging fields of computer technology such as big data, artificial intelligence, internet of things and blockchain systems.

Awards & Certifications

  • Certified Information Systems Auditor
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate
  • Certificate of National Service — National Youth Service Corps
  • Best Graduating Student — Oak International College, 2011
  • Diploma in Leadership Development — African Leadership Development Centre